Saturday, October 23, 2010

Father Wang Yongmin Tan Wubi Chinese language programming

April 28 afternoon, Chinese Inventors Association, vice president, "Wubi" input method inventor, known as "modern Bi Sheng," said Professor Wang Yongmin, a new start in Beijing, he was not spacious Greenville office, and Chinese programming and other people in the industry, Chairman Su Qingjie, chatting with the development trend of Chinese language programming.

Professor Wang Yongmin in 1968 graduated from the University of Science and Technology Department of Radio Electronics, professorial senior engineers, the national labor model, state-level experts with outstanding contributions. National Labor medals, contemporary famous inventor, to enjoy the State Council special allowance. The invention of the "five strokes", the United States, Britain, the three patents, a fundamental solution to the Chinese character input into the computer, "the speed and efficiency" of global problems, and strive to promote a dominant position in China Chinese character input technology Xinhua News Agency described as the history of Chinese culture, "its meaning as much as movable type," the great invention.

Professor Wang Yongmin total of 50 domestic and foreign patents, one of the "Digital king code" to crack in the digital key to "easy, efficient, and smart" input Chinese characters problem, will fundamentally change the long-term dependence of cell phone input imports situation assessment by international experts and the media as a "Chinese character input technology, the second revolution," and won the "National Technology Invention Award"; international Microsoft, IBM, CASIO over 20 to purchase the right to use its patents; 20 years years, Professor Wang Yongmin has long been the Chinese information processing technology has achieved striking success, reward academic leaders. Given his mother has made an outstanding scientific contribution to the party and state leaders Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Li Changchun, Luo Gan, Li Keqiang met on several occasions, the State Post Office issued commemorative stamps "Contemporary Bi Sheng - Wang Yongmin ", Academy of Sciences also said CAS President Lu Yongxiang Wang Yongmin is" the Chinese people into the information age. "

Wubi input method and the Chinese language programming, the Chinese character laser photo-typesetting system, have been in the industry as "the three major milestone in computer applications." Two major milestones which led people to sit together naturally have something to say.

Beijing Chinese classic country programming technology the company's chairman Su Qingjie and technical staff, said to Professor Wang Yongmin: Chinese language program in Beijing Science and Technology R & D classic country, fully to describe the Chinese as the language of computer programming language. The language had not been popular in any of the simple computer language localization, or as some kind of software to create a Chinese environment. This is a completely self-developed by the classic country, classic country to grasp the full source code form and content of full compliance with the Chinese way of thinking, use of the expression of Chinese writing object-oriented, problem-oriented computer programming language. Chinese language and computer programming as a mature programming language, has passed state appraisal. It not only won national and international patents, and also included in the national Torch Program and the Ministry of Science and Technology Development Fund. 13 years, with completely independent intellectual property rights of the programming language, has the relevant state departments, to develop the army, nearly 200 sets of easy operation, low cost, confidentiality of the technology reliable and high quality software. Large space technology, small children's puzzle games, all in English, the software can be programmed, can be used to develop Chinese language programming. In which the 15th and 16th and upcoming 17th National exhibition of children computer game software, all complete with Chinese programming, alone save money for the country at 100 million yuan. Officials with the Ministry of Information Industry as saying: "Chinese Language Programming" is the "fifth great invention of China", is the second five-stroke input method, Chinese laser photo-typesetting system, the computer application in the field of undertaking of the three major milestones, but also in China 5000 traditional culture and the 21st century a perfect combination of the information revolution, its nature, confidentiality, reliability, ethnic and other aspects, all conformed to the historical and the needs of the times, with good growth and vitality.

Wang Yongmin who still claim to be "just an ordinary scholar, half of the farmers," the global celebrities and the inventor of Chinese characters has always been concerned about the fate of the information age,. Especially as a rigorous scientist, is also an aspiring entrepreneur, Wang Yongmin, I see the future of the Chinese language further and further. Heard the Chinese language programming, the introduction, Professor Wang has a lot of emotion: I have been studying Chinese character input, can not but concern about Chinese language programming. 20 years, despite the many patriotic people in China interested in Chinese language with the calculation of a program, but most of them are playing the finished concepts or programming language, which is no Chinese or Chinese programming language programming. But the real programming language such as Chinese and another database both the compiler and also to develop related products for so many years of not much. Science is a very serious matter, only by a concept or a small production and as a programming language to be extended down, can only be fantasy.

Than others, as China Inventors Association Vice President Wang Yongmin, about programming, also a deeper understanding of nature: Because yes extraterritorial invention, the source code Du Zhang Wo Wai Guoren hands version of the high annual payments fee does not say that the most importantly, the state has no secrets in the state. From this perspective, it must be developed that truly belongs to the computer programming language. Although Microsoft has developed to such extent that is difficult to contend with, our study may only take the drop in the bucket, but the hair is also necessary to take. Because of this, I join the Chinese language programming for the cause of people were moved. But the Chinese language programming more than just a personal matter, but the entire Chinese people to do, only by individual effort is difficult to achieve ultimate success is difficult, and this must be for the long-term support of the State, the only way to find a more effective way to.

Although Wang Yongmin claiming he is a "scholar, half of the farmers," the 50 inventions he had established his position in the Chinese industry's leading authority. His poetry, his painting, his calligraphy, are also amazing. In particular his study of Chinese characters, but also to an extreme degree. He used to advocate: "Love is love Chinese motherland." He has repeatedly called for: the long river of Chinese civilization, the blood must not be in our generation of Chinese people who stop!鐗瑰埆鏄汉绫昏繘鍏ヤ俊鎭寲涔嬪悗锛屽浣曟洿濂藉湴鎶婃眽璇█鏂囧寲浼犳壙鍜屽彂鎵厜澶э紝鏄垜浠繖浠d汉涔変笉瀹硅緸鐨勮矗浠诲拰涔夊姟銆傛濡傜帇姘告皯鏁欐巿鎵?█锛氶毦閬撲腑鍥界殑姹夊瓧杩樿绛夊鍥戒汉鏉ユ嫰鏁戝悧锛熷綋鐒讹紝涓浗鐨勭紪绋嬩篃涓嶈兘绛夊鍥戒汉鏉ユ嫰鏁戯紒


銆??椋庤叮銆佸菇榛樸?鍋ヨ皥锛屾槸鐜嬫案姘戞暀鎺堢殑涓?儻鐗圭偣銆傛湰鏉ヤ竴涓皬鏃剁殑绾﹁皥锛屼竴涓嬪瓙璋堜簡涓や釜鍗婂皬鏃躲?鍦ㄩ?姹夎瑷?紪绋嬭懀浜嬮暱鑻忔竻鏉扮瓑鍒扮數姊棿鏃讹紝鐜嬫案姘戞暀鎺堜緷鐒剁儹鎯呬笉鍑忥細鈥滄垜浼氭妸浣犱滑甯︾粰鎴戠殑銆婃眽璇紪绋嬫暀绋嬨?杩涗竴姝ヨ繘琛岀爺绌讹紝鐪嬭兘鍚︿粠涓悊鍑烘洿澶氱殑鎬濊矾鏉ャ?鈥?br />


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