Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Young professionals entering the workplace to learn the three key issues

A new job, there are numerous problems to be addressed, there are many issues to study, about three key issues:

A personal brand

銆??瑕佺浉淇℃瘡涓汉鐨勫伐浣滈兘瀛樺湪浜ゆ崲鐨勫彲鑳芥?锛屼笉绠℃湁浣曠悊鐢憋紝閮戒笉浼氭敼鍙樿繖鏍风殑浜嬪疄銆?Does this mean that at any moment lose their jobs a possibility?涔熸湭蹇呫?鍥犱负姣忎釜浜洪兘鏈夎嚜宸辩殑鐗硅川锛岀壒璐ㄦ槸鏃犳硶浜掓崲鐨勩?鍕囨皵銆佹壙鎷呮劅銆佹鐩村彲闈犵瓑绛夐兘灞炰釜浜虹壒璐紝瀵圭壒璐ㄧ殑瑕佹眰寰?線涓嶄簹浜庡涓撲笟鑳藉姏鐨勮姹傘? Working in teams, especially in those that deal with a lot of people work in teams, create a personal brand is the top priority. Also, if you engage in work on behalf of the company's external image, personal brand is even more important.

Second, time management skills

Working hours, always will be kept of meetings, telephone and e-mail harassment, a result, you often have to work longer hours and had to spend 10 hours at his desk or even longer working hours! This is not a good sign, from one side will show your poor time management.濡備綍鏉ョ鐞嗘椂闂达紵 From little things. For example, a fixed time every morning and afternoon as incoming Mail, ready for a well-designed notebook, to update the schedule each day, each record may wish to detail a few points a few minutes, it can bring you from day to day chaos in the rescue. Another point to mention is that when in need, might close the QQ and MSN, which also allows you to save a lot of time.

Third, language ability

銆??鎯冲儚涓?笅锛屽鏋滀綘鍦ㄤ細瑙佸鎴锋椂涓滄媺瑗挎壇锛屽湪渚嬩細涓婁笉鐭ユ墍浜戯紝鍦ㄨ?鏉块潰鍓嶆唻寰椾竴鍙ヨ瘽涔熻涓嶅嚭鈥︹?杩欐牱鐨勬儏鏅鏈夊闅句负鎯咃紒 In order to avoid these situations arise, it is necessary to take remedial speech about the art. A lot of capacity for speech language classes can help you become active, to help you eliminate the environment in public speaking fear. And external environment, staff need direct contact with eloquent, for example, sales, buyers and public relations personnel, etc. In addition, even those within the company responsible for administrative coordination of people, good language skills more and more important because, if you want to ensure the smooth progress of daily work, good communication between colleagues and exchange is a necessary prerequisite.


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Friday, September 17, 2010

HP, the "total"

HP in the February 21 agreement with Nanchang University, Nanchang University, College of Art and co-construction of digital art lab, through the appropriate hardware and software donations to get into the lab build eligibility.

Despite the cost and number, and they ought to buy 123 units of Nanchang University, Hewlett-Packard graphics workstation wind, so that such cooperation is still somewhat positive.

This is not the first, the nature nor the last together. HP has a considerable number of educational cooperation program, only in the graphics workstation, early in December last year on a joint French Dassault Systemes and build a PLM Center of Tsinghua University, Hewlett-Packard in promoting the development of this industry can be seen carefully. In addition, HP also selectively cooperate with some universities, multi-level cooperation projects, has been consciously distinguish, in art, industrial design aspects of the practices and strategies accordingly.

According to estimates in the Mainland as a whole animation industry will reach 70 billion U.S. dollars in size, but the relative lack of talent, and promote the industry not only help provide the basic tools such as HP's business. From education to proceed, is very far-sighted things. This is HP's long-term education program to be a part of. Select the one hand, Nanchang University, the University considered the influence of central China, taking into account their construction and the Art Institute's long-term objectives. Also, Nanchang University in hardware and software in line with the requirements of HP, HP hope that through this place of spark, so the graphics workstation industry constitute Negative effect and Precaution.

This is the HP of the "total" Small is Big, light-weight balance. HP is also the co-operation with the University of Nanchang pull to the professional video systems provider Sobey company, for motion video of the post-synthesis and processing, which is a good win-win approach.

Knows to be "total", into the vat are obviously a lot. Nanchang University, as this period into the urn who really are some good early treatment, but later re-purchase and upgrade and maintenance costs are not unusual. HP not only provides a large number of workstations, also provides facilities for managing the network, a minicomputer nc8000 is the product of this project contributions.

No matter how, for, as the schools may Nanchang University, the opportunity to more than pay, HP's practice is bound to help the industry raise the level education and training of, look, Zhide "Zhong dollars".

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